Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire
Welcome to Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire, a small community of about 2500 people tucked away in the rolling southwestern hill country of the Granite State. A town out of time, Fitzwilliam prides itself on maintaining the rich history that permeates every building, tree and street within this proud community.
The area to become Fitzwilliam was first granted as one in a line of defensive settlements lining the western border of New Hampshire designed to fend off Indian attacks. As the attacks abated, individual towns sprung from these settlements, one of them being Fitzwilliam. The town was officially founded in 1764 and incorporated as Fitzwilliam in 1773.
An industrious town from the beginning, Fitzwilliam residents focused on quarrying granite and farming. The town became a hub of trade in the southwestern region of the state shortly after the introduction of the railroad in Fitzwilliam, and remained so for many years until the farms of the Midwest came into being. Eventually many local farmers were forced out of business and had to find work in other surrounding communities. Shortly thereafter, the granite industry started to wane and Fitzwilliam became more of a town to simply live in, as opposed to work in. Today we call such towns “bedroom communities”, a definition that suits Fitzwilliam to a “T”.
Today’s Fitzwilliam residents work mostly in the nearby towns of Keene or Peterborough. Fitzwilliam has a few small businesses but tourism may provide its largest revenue stream. Historic to the core, this little town offers building after building, each hundreds of years old and possessing its very own rich, satisfying story of days gone by. The old granite quarry is now a National Natural Landmark with New England’s largest rhododendron grove on display. Called the “Rhododendron State Park”, it certainly lives up to its name.
Located about 75 miles from Boston, Fitzwilliam is far removed from the day-to-day rat race that so many of us are looking to abandon. Walking down Fitzwilliam’s streets are like taking a journey to a time when the rat race consisted of getting your crops into town on time. The smell of pine in the clean air, the sight of birds riding the thermals of the mountainous countryside, the history, the people – it’s as near to perfection here as you’re likely to find. Fitzwilliam is a great place to retire or raise a family with strong, traditional values. Just one visit will show you why.
Fitzwilliam is a part of School Administrative Unit #38. The town is a member of the Monadnock Regional Cooperative School District along with the towns of Gilsum, Richmond, Roxbury, Sullivan, Surry, Swanzey and Troy. Fitzwilliam operates its own elementary school, the Emerson Elementary School, but has no plans to construct more schools inside town lines.
Step back in time here in Fitzwilliam. Return to a simpler way of life, perhaps even a better way. New Hampshire has hundreds of homes for sale in hundreds of great little towns like Fitzwilliam – you just need to know where to look. The first place you should look is to Jim Miller Bean Group. Call Jim right now at (603) 801-3987 and find the latest home listings, inside information on New Hampshire’s wonderful communities and dozens of reasons why you should be living in the Granite State. Call now!
Emerson Elementary School (k-4)
(603) 585-6611
Monadnock Regional Middle School (5-8)
(603) 352-6575
Monadnock Regional High School (9-12)
(603) 352-6575