Chatham, New Hampshire
Chatham, New Hampshire, is a remote town of about 250 people located in the northern tip of Carroll County. Sharing a border with Maine, this little town is surrounded by lush, thick woods and stunning mountain vistas. Chatham is somewhat remote, the nearest large town being Fryeburg, Maine.
Chatham was originally granted in 1767 but was regranted in 1770 because no one dared brave the local native attacks that were common in the mountainous regions of the state. Eventually the Native Americans were pushed from the land and settlers came to Chatham to start new lives there. Chatham is so-named for William Pitt, Earl of Chatham and Prime Minister of England at the time. To increase the size of their towns, residents of Chatham annexed part of Conway in 1829.
Chatham is a great place to get away from the busy work-a-day world and enjoy nature at its finest. Part of the Appalachian Trail passes through Chatham and connects to several other trail systems that circle and cross the mountains of the area. The region is known for camping, hiking, hunting, rock climbing and more. Chatham is truly a great escape.
Chatham is a member of School Administrative Unit #9, but tuitions all resident student to Fryeburg, Maine, for their education. With their student population totaling less than 70, there are no plans to construct schools of their own at this time.
There are sometimes homes on the market in Chatham, NH, but you need to be up to date on the New Hampshire real estate market in order to find them. If you’re interested in purchasing a home in Chatham or any of the other wonderful communities within the Granite State, you first need to call Jim Miller Bean Group at (603) 801-3987. Jim understands the NH real estate market and he knows the towns within, their people, schools, activities and more. For all your home buying needs in New Hampshire, call Jim Miller first – you’ll be glad you did.
Charles A Snow School (k-5)
(207) 935-2536
Molly Ockett Middle School (6-8)
(207) 935-2401
Fryeburg Academy (9-12)
(207) 935-2005
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