Winnisquam Lake
Winnisquam Lake is New Hampshire’s fourth-largest lake and is located in Belknap County in the central part of the state. This beautiful lake covers over 4200 acres and is surrounded by the towns of Laconia, Meredith, Sanbornton, Tilton and Belmont. Winnisquam Lake is fed mostly by the water leaving Lake Winnipesaukee, the state’s largest body of fresh water, and releases water through the Winnipesaukee River which flows out to the Merrimack River, then the Atlantic Ocean.
While Winnisquam Lake is one of New Hampshire’s largest lakes, it is not nearly as popular a tourist destination as Lake Winnipesaukee or Lake Sunapee, to the west. Homes dot the shores of Winnisquam Lake, as do cottages and a very few resorts. The lake is usually found to be quiet and with far less activity than many of the other smaller lakes in the area. The perfect place to put down roots, Winnisquam Lake and the surrounding communities have plenty of room for you and your family.
If you might be interested in purchasing a home on Winnisquam Lake in one of the fine communities that skirt its shores, you should call Jim Miller Bean Group at (603) 801-3987. Jim can help you find the home that’s just right for you and your family while keeping your budget in mind. Jim wants to talk to you, so call today and see just how quickly you can be living the New Hampshire dream.
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