Runnell’s Landing
Adult Community
Hollis, New Hampshire

Runnell’s Landing Hollis NH Real Estate for Sale

You’ve worked hard all your life, raised a family, and now it’s time to think about YOU. That big old house seems a little emptier now and each year it gets harder and harder to get out there and rake, shovel, prune, mow and generally maintain the old house. You’ve earned the right to leave those chores behind and start enjoying life the way it’s meant to be.

If this sounds like what you’ve been thinking, then maybe it’s time to look into one of the many Active Adult Communities springing up throughout New Hampshire. One of the finest and most prestigious of these must be Runnell’s Landing in Hollis, New Hampshire. Runnell’s Landing offers residents the luxury they deserve at a price that is both reasonable and affordable.

Runnell’s Landing is a premier 55+ community tucked in the rolling hills and green woodlands of Hollis, NH, just outside Nashua. These townhouses boast countless amenities including hardwood floors, gas fireplaces, open lofts and multi-car garages. Upgrades can include granite countertops, a screened porch, whirlpool tub and much, much more. Built with you in mind, the townhouses at Runnell’s Landing have first floor master suites and first floor laundry rooms. And at Runnell’s Landing, you’ll never have to shovel, mow or rake leaves ever again.

Hollis, NH, is a town of about 7500 people living just outside the busy city of Nashua. A quiet little town for its population size, Hollis is regarded as a bedroom community with a full 85% of the working population doing so outside town lines. Hollis has many stores and restaurants, but for the full shopping and dining experience, Nashua or Manchester (just up the road) will satisfy all your needs. And with top-notch medical facilities in both cities, you’re never far from help.

There are homes for sale right now in the Runnell’s Landing community, but if you don’t have someone who understands the New Hampshire real estate market in your corner, you just might miss out on a great opportunity. That’s why you should call Jim Miller Bean Group at (603) 801-3987. Jim has been helping folks buy and sell New Hampshire property for many years and wants to help you into the home of your dreams. You’ve earned the right to rest and relax without worrying about yardwork. Call Jim and let him help you into the active adult community that best suits your needs.

Current MLS Listings for Runnell’s Landing Adult Community in Hollis New Hampshire

Homes for Sale at Runnell's Landing

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Jim Miller is a full time full service licensed Realtor® in the Southern New Hampshire area with Bean Group and has many years of experience in buying and selling NH Adult Community homes and New Hampshire Real Estate

Contact Jim direct at 603-801-3987

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