Mason NH Homes and Real Estate for Sale

Mason NH Single Family Home Listings for Sale

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Homes and Real Estate for Sale

Mason NH

Mason, located in Hillsborough County, is a small town with a lot of charm and a fascinating history. Mason is 39 miles north of Boston and 32 miles from the Manchester Boston Regional Airport. Originally named ‘Number One’ the town was incorporated 1768. It was named after Captain John Mason, the founder of New Hampshire. Mason was the first of many border towns that were established when New Hampshire became a state.

Mason NH Homes for Sale

Average Price $714K
Lowest Price $599K
Highest Price $829K
Total Listings 2
Avg. Days On Market 9
Avg. Price/SQFT $238

Property Types (active listings)

According to the 2010 Census, there are approximately 1,382 residents in Mason with a landmass of 23.9 square miles. US routes 31 and 123 run through this town. The elementary school, town hall, police department, fire department and library are all located in the center of town at a 5 street intersection.
The Mason Historical Society maintains all of the town’s historical buildings and artifacts. Samuel Wilson, a meat supplier to the town, was believed to be the inspiration of the Uncle Sam character that is used by the Military as a recruitment tool. His boyhood home is near the town’s center and has its own state marker.

Author Elizabeth Orton Jones lived in Mason.  Her literary contributions gained her national recognition after her illustration of the Pickety Place cottage, built in 1786 was display in her version of Little Red Riding Hood. The cottage is still standing and is maintained by the historical society.

The Mason Elementary School accepts students in grades 1-4, middle school and high school students attend the Milford School System.

This picturesque and quiet town offers many different walking and hiking trails for residents and tourists to enjoy the fresh clean air and enjoy the incredible colors of the foliage season.