Cahill Place Condominiums
Adult Community
Milford New Hampshire

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Cahill Place Condominiums Milford NH Real Estate for Sale

Affordable, maintenance-free living for the “over 62” community can be found right here at Cahill Place Condominiums in Milford, NH. Cahill Place offers one-bedroom and one-bedroom plus study condos for the growing group of citizens who are over 62 years old. Forty-nine units in a three-story building with easy access, plenty of parking and an elevator to each floor makes easy ingress and egress for those with chronic pain or difficulty walking. A comfortable living environment lends to the overall value of Cahill Place Condominiums and a large assortment of floor plans assures you will find just the home you're looking for. Cahill Place has storage space available for each unit, optional covered car parking spaces, gazebos and gardens on site as well as several community lounges specifically designed for your rest and relaxation. Quality workmanship at incredibly reasonable prices - that's Cahill Place Condos.

Ideally located in historic Milford, NH and only minutes from Route 101, Cahill Place is very convenient to the traveling seniors among us. Manchester Airport is just twenty minutes away and Boston, Massachusetts is but an hour's drive south. Within walking distance of Cahill Place you will find a hospital, several stores and shops as well as fine dining establishments. Milford neighbors NH’s second-largest city, Nashua. Nashua is New Hampshire's "Gateway City" and was twice voted "Best Place to Live in America" by Money magazine.

Southern New Hampshire is growing at an astounding rate. Residents fleeing the high taxes and cost-of-living in Massachusetts are finding new, affordable homes in tax-free southern NH. From small, cozy cottages to sprawling, luxurious estates, New Hampshire homes and properties are selling like never before. The process of finding and buying a home in the Granite State can be an overwhelming one, to say the least. At Jim Miller Bean Group, we pride ourselves in taking the guesswork and the frustration out of the purchasing process and guiding you with a steady, trustworthy hand that works only to make you a satisfied homebuyer. At Bean Group, we're not happy unless you are and we'll put forth every effort to make it so. Call us today at (603) 801-3987 for an honest no-pressure, no-obligation discussion about your wants and needs in a New Hampshire home. We're here to make your dreams a reality. Call us today.

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Jim Miller is a full time full service licensed Realtor® in the Southern New Hampshire area with Bean Group and has many years of experience in buying and selling New Hampshire Real Estate

Contact Jim direct at 603-801-3987

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