Brookline NH Homes and Real Estate for Sale

Brookline NH Single Family Home Listings for Sale

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Homes and Real Estate for Sale

Brookline NH

Brookline, incorporated in 1769, is a small town located in southern New Hampshire in Hillsborough County and has a population of approximately 5,000 residents. It is a small town filled with all the charm New England has to offer. Its rural character and small town charm make it an attractive place to live.

Brookline NH Homes for Sale

Average Price $834K
Lowest Price $625K
Highest Price $1.4M
Total Listings 5
Avg. Days On Market 16
Avg. Price/SQFT $289

Property Types (active listings)

This quaint New Hampshire town also has unique cultural sites, including Andres Institute of Art and Sculpture. Its natural resources include Lake Potanipo and the Nissitissit River; conservation lands, including the Palmer Wildlife Preserve and the Talbot-Taylor Wildlife Sanctuary where outdoor enthusiasts can explore and enjoy the scenic beauty of this town.  There is also an Elm Tree Project underway in Brookline that was initiated in 2006 and aims to bring the majestic elms that once lined the roads back to the town center, such as those seen in historic photos of Main Street. As of mid-2011 about three dozen elms have been planted.

Brookline is an active community and events include “The Annual Blueberry Bash” where the Brookline Women's Club serves many different blueberry dishes such as ice cream sundaes with homemade blueberry sauce and slices of homemade blueberry pie.  Brookline’s Old Home Days give people a glimpse of the towns past.

The school system is part of a co-op between the neighboring town of Hollis and the two towns share Hollis/Brookline High School and Hollis/Brookline Middle School.  Brookline has its own elementary schools, Captain Samuel Douglas Academy and Richard Maghakian Memorial School.  

Although it maintains its small town ambiance, Brookline is only 55 miles to Boston, MA and 25 miles to the Manchester Boston Regional Airport.  Even though it is a small community, this town has had its own newspaper since 1966, the Brookliner, covering local news and events.